Global video streaming platform, Netflix has announced plans for the long-expected Nollywood originals in coming months. This follows the launch of its Nigeria subsidiary, Netflix Naija, in February. It revealed in a tweet that the outcome would be book adaptations of the works of two indegenous novelists. The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives, Titilola Shoneyin’s debut novel published in 2010 will be produced in form of a series, while Wole Soyinka’s 77-paged play, Death and the King’s Horseman is to be...

The National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), regulator of Nigeria’s film industry, popularly known as Nollywood, has adopted virtual platforms as part of film censoring and classification process amidst the Coronavirus(COVID-19) lockdown. Mr Adedayo Thomas, Executive Director, NFVCB, disclosed this in an interview  with the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) on Tuesday in Abuja. According to Thomas, the virtual operation is to present opportunity to classify movies and video works produced before the COVID-19 lockdown...

There’s an elegant, almost poetic silence to one of the most compelling scenes of “On the Record,” a powerful new documentary about sexual violence that knows just when to dial down to a hushed quiet. In the early morning darkness of Dec. 13, 2017, former music executive Drew Dixon walks to a coffee shop and buys the New York Times. On the front page is the story in which she and two others accuse the...

Ace Nigerian actor, Yul Edochie, on Monday decried what he called the “drop”  in the quality of Nollywood movies. The News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) reports that the thespian shared his thoughts in series of posts on his  Twitter handle. He said there was need for seasoned actors to help revive the quality of Nollywood movies for the industry to retain its place on the global stage. He said: ”The quality of our home videos has...

Since its first edition in Dallas, Texas, 2015, The African Film Festival (TAFF) has grown to become a veritable cultural, education, and entertainment event to showcase African independent films. This fifth Anniversary edition will be hosted entirely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 4-day festival will kick off on Tuesday, June 2nd through Saturday, June 6th with film screenings, online workshops, and training sessions, and TAFF Awards ceremony. Kelechi Eke, TAFF founder, and Executive...

Queen Sono may be Netflix’s most popular series, but it may not be the right home for the new wave of African film and television. Netflix has landed in Africa! Traveling through Johannesburg’s downtown and suburbs, it’s hard to ignore that indeed, Netflix has arrived. Johannesburg’s cityscapes have been painted with posters, billboards and murals promoting the streaming giant’s first script-to-screen production in Africa, Queen Sono. Netflix partnered with Johannesburg-based production company Diprente, and with creator/executive...

The long-anticipated Africa Magic Viewer’s Choice Awards (AMVCA) finally held in grand style on Saturday at Eko Hotels and Suites. The 7th edition of the star-studded show had some of Africa’s brightest film stars clinch the coveted AMVCA plaques. Anchored by Nigeria TV host, IK Osakioduwa and Kenya Radio presenter, Amina Abdi Rabar, the show saw two reality TV stars, Mercy Eke and Mike Edward win the newly featured special award category—Best Dressed Male and...

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