To understand the role Mary played in the scheme of God, one must untie those shackles of unwavering, hardened beliefs they grew up with. ―Don Okolo This piece could well mean that my bosses would have no choice but to cut me loose. They would have found the one reason they were looking for to give me a stiff kick in the pants, fire rounds of invectives (denunciations) as I am nearing the exit, to...

“We created the same portrait of the protagonist in the film Columbiana.” _________________________ Let us make man in our Image. And hence, Nikki came to be. The words of God made. Not begotten. Nikki Ariyo, at twenty, was a virgin…a rare form of holiness in modern-day Nigeria, or for that matter, anywhere else in the world. That alone was a miracle and not a happenstance. She chose chastity, even as she was not obligated to...

“At one time in Europe, the Images of Jesus Christ, and His Mother, were entirely Black. These SOBs changed all that.” _________________________ On this day that Christians celebrate the Birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I am getting inundated with the devilish schemes of the Sixteenth Century Pope, Alexander, VI. He had a son, and his son’s name was Cesare Borgia. The very first thing that held me in awe…blown to pieces, while listening to...

“Only Donald J. Trump knows monetization like no one else…” _________________________ Before you hunt me down on this my weird claim, that the man, Donald J. Trump, is, no matter how you slice and dice this soggy dough on a cold, plastic platter…a demi-god, please hear me out. If you don’t know this, know it now; the man is laced with that unique, repulsive amalgam of, at least, one-week-old, backed-up human feces, and a sprinkling...

“Even at ninety, the man had to crawl with the cockroaches in the darkest of niches to grab a crumb from the filthy pie Tinubu was dangling before him.” _________________________ Good morning, sir, but screw you! My God, Wole, you are ninety, maybe senile, out of fashion, staled, and probably used up to utter those almost sacrilegious, according to Okey Ndibe, cologne-sprayed, amala and akara amalgam crap still looking for a way out from your...

“For a musician who copies from those before him, who lacks originality, and suffers greatly in the same poetic, lyrical language where the likes of Flavor, Wiz Kid, and Davido bathe, should just Sharrup and play.” _________________________ A guy rolls with measured mediocrity all his life suddenly wakes up one morning from a sharp needle-like pain up his butt cheek. It is the same hyper-sensitive dose of rocket-type fuel Lucifer pumped into his veins to...

And we believe in all of them…except the last one on this list. The one I figured out. _________________________ I will be called out, castigated, roped, and dragged through a stony terrain to be thrown off a ten-thousand cliff, that is if you read on and arrived at the very last haymaker of the controversy of all controversies. First, here is the list of all the major arguments humans have swallowed hook, line, and sinker....

I came here June the third, toting a baggage filled with movie paraphernalia and a stream-rolling set of props, believing that these gadgets were not available in Nigeria, and couldn’t be available in a distant city four hundred miles removed from Lagos. Prop guns, stilettos and swords were carefully packaged. I was ready, I thought. Blood phials I bought from a store on Highway 99 in Richmond and a couple of make-up boxes were in...

“Nigeria is sleek and thin, and such nations are dangerous.” _________________________ I told you guys before…a dozen times, I think, that the day of Africa’s most populous Nation to die was imminent, that is, if she hadn’t died. I’d say, I told you this over dinner, over a game of who tells the best, salty jokes, and on that day we all heard the news declaring that men had been cleared to marry men. We...

“Take a look at those we have put in Aso Rock in the last forty years. Dimwitted dumbasses. Dark-soul-ed oddballs. Grifters. Thieves, the kinds that turn over the treasury bag, shake it loose just for the pennies to drop. They left us with an empty bag” _________________________ Why do you people weep? Have you not cried enough? Why do you citizens of the nation of Nigeria not wake up and walk away from the nightmare?...

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