NewsNigeriaPoliticsAPGA Ward Executives Enrolled into the Anambra Health Insurance Scheme

The Special Adviser to the Governor of Anambra State on Youth Empowerment Programmes, Dr. Nelson Omenugha, has enrolled all ward executives of APGA in his Nnobi ward 1, Idemili South local government area, into the Anambra State Health Insurance Scheme. The 21-man exco members of APGA in Nnobi Ward 1 are now fully entitled to the various services offered by the Anambra State Health Insurance Agency –ASHIA, through their partners across the state.

Speaking during the collection of the identification card which enrolled persons are required to tender upon visit to their assigned clinic(s), Nelson Omenugha thanked the governor of Anambra State, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, and the Executive Secretary of the Agency, Dr. Simeon Onyemaechi, for the access to quality healthcare which the agency offers at a remarkably affordable price. While acknowledging the governor’s commitment to the health and well-being of ndi Anambra, Omenugha also thanked Dr. Onyemaechi for his visionary leadership of ASHIA which is self-evident in the success the agency has recorded.  He also reiterated that the enrolment he has facilitated for his ward executives is part of his own contribution. “For me, this is a demonstration of my own commitment to them (beneficiaries) for their service to our great party and the government of Anambra State,” Dr. Omenugha said.

In his response, the Executive Secretary of ASHIA, Dr. Simeon Onyemaechi, who handed the identification cards to Omenugha, thanked him for his leadership and interest in the health of his people. He also thanked the governor for the enabling environment which is helping ASHIA attend to more ndi Anambra. According to Dr. Onyemaechi, “We are very proud of what Nelson has done. He believes in ASHIA mission. Before now, he had mobilized about 100 people and enrolled them in ASHIA. Nelson believes in the youths of Anambra…let me say this, healthy living correlates with GDP. We are also thankful to the governor for his commitment to ndi Anambra which is helping to make our work easy.”

Dr. Onyemaechi who spoke on some of the reforms the agency had undergone recently, said that the agency has integrated the concerns of the beneficiaries in terms of knowing the precise services they are entitled to when they visit their assigned clinics. “We now let our people know the exact services they are due to get in their clinic when they enroll. We also have hotlines that can be reached in any case of ambiguity or confusion, at any time, in that regard or other issues.”

ASHIA’s ‘adoption’ model which has proven to be exceptionally successful is the brainchild of Dr. Onyemaechi. Currently, the agency has no less than 200 thousand beneficiaries enrolled in its service.

Reacting, the APGA ward Chairman for Nnobi Ward 1, Chief Frank Ezeanya, thanked Dr. Nelson Omenugha for his generous support to the party through the gesture. He also thanked Dr. Simeon Onyemaechi for the work the agency is doing under his watch. According to Chief Ezeanya, “We will continue to support our party. Our governor is trying and I believe our party will win again.”

Ebuka Onyekwelu (Staff Writer)
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