ColumnsNigeriaOpinionPoliticsComplications befog the Selection of Nnewi North LGA Transition Chairman

“…As it stands, it is Umudim that should produce the TC in Nnewi North” —Ebuka Onyekwelu

For about two weeks now, there have been all sorts of agitations, machinations, and accusations in connection to the selection of the next Transition Chairman – TC, of Nnewi North local government. This followed Governor Chukwuma Soludo’s plan to change the Transition Chairmen most of whom have now spent about two years on the job. The current Nnewi North Transition Chairman, Engr. Chris Obiorah, was appointed in September 2022. Immediately before him was Mr. Mbazulike Iloka, whose appointment was in a haste to escape his arms under some piteous circumstances. However, both Engr. Obiorah and Mr. Iloka are from Uruagu Nnewi.

Before now, I had intended to remain an observer like many other people, including some high-placed leaders of APGA in Nnewi. But I have been severely challenged by so many people to have my say on the matter if I have any and if I have not taken a side. Well, in truth, when we know all the actors in a plot and understand their roles, sometimes, it is not very easy to speak bluntly. But since it has to be said at least for posterity, it would now be said. However, the right thing is for the government to conduct the LGA election. But as we await that, the current model cannot be left in the void, as Nnewi cannot exist in isolation from the rest of the LGAs in Anambra State.

For the benefit of those who may not know, Nnewi North LGA is a one-town LGA comprised of Otolo, Uruagu, Umudim, and Nnewichi. So, Nnewi is made up of four quarters. As I said earlier, Chris Obiorah and Mbazulike Iloka both from Uruagu, have spent an approximate joint term of two years in office. It is therefore not correct to say that Uruagu is marginalized in the power-sharing equation in Nnewi based on political appointment under the current administration. At the moment, there are other appointees of the government from Uruagu. Mrs. Tochi Ifeakandu is the Managing Director of a government agency in this government and she is from Uruagu. To crown it all, Hon. Augustine Ike from Uruagu is the member representing Nnewi North LGA in Anambra State House of Assembly.

We are now left with three other quarters in Nnewi. Let me start with Otolo. The quarter has spent the highest length of time on the saddle as TC in Nnewi North LGA. Hon. Patrick Ubajaka was TC chairman for a long time during Peter Obi’s tenure. When Governor Obiano came in, Chief Emeka Ojukwu from Umudim replaced him. Eventually, Chief Emeka Ojukwu was replaced by Hon. Chukwudi Orizu, from Otolo who spent a long time too in the position and handed over to Mr. Mbazulike Iloka from Uruagu. So, clearly, in this equation, it is Nnewichi who has not been appointed as Chairman of Nnewi North under the APGA TC arrangement. However, Mr. Christian Udechukwu from Nnewichi is the Commissioner from Nnewi North in Soludo’s cabinet. He is the highest-ranking APGA member in Nnewi. With this understanding, it then appears as if it might create some kind of imbalance to still insist that someone from Nnewichi should still be appointed as Nnewi North TC. Unfortunately, the appointment of any person from Uruagu Nnewi will also create this same imbalance. If there is any reason or need for any imbalance to be tolerated, then, the appointment should go to Nnewichi. But since we are trying to create a conducive environment of fair distribution of power, retaining Nnewi North LGA TC position in Uruagu will unfortunately create the same imbalance that the governor and indeed, APGA and Nnewi stakeholders had intended to avoid.

Given the circumstances under review, the fair thing should be that Umudim, which currently have no political position in the government, ought to produce TC for Nnewi North LGA. This is fair and just. It is not fair for Uruagu to still produce the TC for Nnewi, while still holding the key rotational political seat in Nnewi and also holding another important government appointment. I have also been informed that Uruagu also produced the Education Secretary during last weekend’s selection exercise. This is doubly unfair and against the APGA spirit of “onye aghana nwanne ya”.

I know that someone might cite the case of when Chukwudi Orizu was in the House of Assembly and Patrick Ubajaka was the TC in Nnewi, and both are from Otolo. Or when Amala Anazodo was in the House of Assembly and Emeka Ojukwu was the TC in Nnewi and both are from Umudim. Well, Chris Obiorah was TC and Augustine Ike is in the House of Assembly and both are from Uruagu. Interestingly, when Benchuks Nwosu from Nnewichi was in the House of Assembly, Francis Okeke from Umudim was the TC. And when Nonso Okafor was in the House of Assembly, Chukwudi Orizu from Otolo was the TC. So what then does this say?

Now that the governor has rejected the list submitted to him containing one name (immediate past TC, Engr. Chris Obiorah) and called for a balanced list, it is important to correct that error. Someone from Umudim should come first on that list. Based on the current power-sharing equation in Nnewi, as it stands, it is Umudim that should produce the TC in Nnewi North now. But if that is not going to happen, then, Nnewichi should take it, while also keeping the commissioner position that they currently occupy. As far as this equation is concerned, in the issue of appointing a new TC in Nnewi North LGA now, Umudim should take the first position. Followed by Nnewichi, before Uruagu is considered at a distant third place and finally, Otolo. This is the fair and just power distribution formula in the spirit of creating balance in power sharing under this administration, in Nnewi North LGA.

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