Progress Chukwuyem has emerged winner of Nigerian Idol Season 7. This was announced at the TV show’s grand finale which was broadcasted across Africa Magic stations on Sunday. After weeks of watching the top 12 contestants singing their hearts out on the live shows to earn fan votes, Progress and Zadok emerged as the final two. However, Delta-state-born Progress beat his strongest rival, Zadok, to the top prize. As the winner of the competition, Progress...

One of the biggest reality TV shows in Africa, Big Brother Naija, is set to hit our TV screens anytime soon. The show, which has rocked the entertainment industry with six engrossing editions, and produced celebrities like Mercy Eke, Laycon, Whitemoney, amongst others has officially begun its audition for season 7. The announcement of the auditioning for this year’s edition of the reality TV show, which commenced on Sunday, May 15, 2022, was done on...

LAGOS — Popular Television game show, ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ (WWTBAM) has made a comeback. An adaptation of the British version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, the Nigerian version was first aired on October 8, 2004, and stopped temporarily on June 25, 2017. Themed “The Rebirth”, the new edition of the show will be hosted by Frank Edoho. Recall that Frank had hosted the show from its inception on October 8,...

LAGOS — Emmanuel, one of the housemates of the television reality show, Big Brother Naija, Season 6,  ‘Shine Ya Eye’ edition has won the head of house for the 7th week. This was announced by Biggie, the host of the show after the completion of the head of house challenge on Monday. Emmanuel who got the highest point during the challenge picked Liquorose as deputy head of house while Pere got the second-highest point after...

One of the female house =mates of the ongoing reality TV show, Big Brother Naija Season Six, Saskay, has disclosed that she came to the show with three vibrators. The disclosure came after another housemate, Angel, asked if it was against the rules of the BBNaija house to have a vibrator inside. An argument ensured as her question made other housemates wonder what she would be needing a vibrator for when she has Sammie around...

Mazi Simon Ekpa, a broadcaster with Biafra radio has been sacked for refusing to sign the rules of engagement and code of conduct guiding those broadcasting on Radio Biafra. A statement by the Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, said Ekpa also failed to follow laid down rules of operation. “It has wondered why he would not like to follow the steps of other broadcasters on the platform who have since done the needful.” “The...

ABUJA — The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, says the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) will soon be self-funding and stop drawing salaries and allocations from the Federal Government. The minister disclosed this on Wednesday in Abuja at a public hearing on a bill to amend the NBC establishing Act. The public hearing was organized by the House of Representatives Committee on Information, National Orientation, Ethics, and Value. Mohammed was responding to the...

The Federal Government has granted a two-month licence fee waiver for terrestrial broadcast stations in the country as part of measures to cushion the effect of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the broadcast industry. The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, disclosed this at a meeting with the Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria (BON) on Wednesday in Abuja. Mohammed informed the meeting that he had approved the request by the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to...

Amidst controversy, the management of Gotel Radio and Television owned by the former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has clarified the rationale behind the sacking of  54 staff of the station. Gotel communications comprises of TV Gotel, Radio Gotel, and Gotel FM. Responding to the rationale, the General manager of the media conglomerate Muhammad El-Yakub said that ” The rationalization of staff at Gotel Communications Limited, a company under the umbrella of Priam Group, is a...

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